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    You are here : Home - Bearing Information
    2014-8-21 23:21:47
    Values for the limiting speed are listed inthebearing tables. Thelimiting speeds in the tables are applicable to bearings of standard design and subjected to mormal loads, (c/p≥12 and Fa /Fr≤0.2) approximately. the limiting speed for oil lubrication listed in the bearing tables are forconvemtional oil bath lubricatiom. When speeds are more tham70%of the listed limiting speed, oil or grease used in bearing lubrication must have high speed characteristics.
    Add: No.119, Yingfeng Road, Zhangan Street, Jiaojiang, Taizhou, Zhejiang, China
    Tel: +86-576-89003181 89003182
    Fax: +86-576-89003111
    E-mail: info@yjbearings.com
    Taizhou Dongtai Bearing Co.,Ctd.
    Taizhou Dongtai Bearing Co.,Ctd. © Copyright
    E-mail: info@yjbearings.com http://www.dtbearings.com